Arduino LCD Logger
Connecting LCD Display
The hardware set up is really simple
Now we are ready to use the LCD display as a logger. In the LiquidCrystalLog.h file you can find a concrete implementation of the class AbstractLog.
You can also find a new example, called vect3d_LiquidCrystalLog. As you can see, the original source code has not beeing modified, except for the log variable: it's now a LiquidCrystalLog type variable.
Here's a video of the new loggerYou can also find a new example, called vect3d_LiquidCrystalLog. As you can see, the original source code has not beeing modified, except for the log variable: it's now a LiquidCrystalLog type variable.
You can write every type of logger, SD Card logger, Bluethoot logger, RF logger and so on.